Nibbana is the highest bliss

 -The third Noble Truth is the cessation of suffering.It is described as the cessation of craving        without   residue and dispassion (asesaviraga nirodho),giving up( Cago ),complete   abandonment (Pati nissaggo),release (Mutti ) and non-attachment (Anarlayo).(Dhammacakka pavattana Sutta)

-Originally, in the canonical references it bears an affinity to blowing off and most certainly the application is the blowing off the three roots of evils:craving,ill-will and delusion.

-Nibbana is an experience,which can not be grasped by logic and reasoning.So it is stated that it is beyond the range of logic(Atakka-avacara)

-Nibbana is also can be explained as the extinction of the fire of lust,hatred,and delusion.
Nibbana, in one sense,may be interpreted as the extinction of the flames: 

"The whole world is in flame.By what fire is it kindled?
By the fire of lust,hatred,and delusion;by the fire of birth,old age,death,sorrow,lamentation,
pain,grief and despair is it kindled."(Aditta pariyaya Sutta )

-The Buddha called it:The culmination,The Further shore,Truth,The Immaculate,The Joyful, Utter Peace,The Wonderful,The Pure,The Safe Refuge( S.IV,369-372)

To discuss this question, the ten grades of happiness found in the Bahuvedaniya Sutta are vital.
1)" Fivefold,Ananda,are sensual bonds,What are the five?
  Forms recognizable by the eyes,sounds recognizable by the ears, odours recognizable by the nose;flavors recognizable tongue;contacts recognizable by the body-desirable,lovely charming,infatuating,accompanied by thirst,and arousing the dust of passions.These,Ananda,are five sensual bonds.
Whatever happiness or pleasure arises from these sensual bonds,is known as sensual happiness.
Whoso should declare:'This is the highest happiness and pleasure which beings my experience'- I do not grant him that,and why?
Because there is other happiness more exalted and sublime."

2)The happiness of the first Jhana.( Associate with the five Jhana factors; initial application,sustained application,joy,happiness and one-pointedness.

3) The happiness of the second Jhana.(Associate with three Jhana factors; joy,happiness and one-pointedness.

4) The happiness of the third Jhana.(Associate with two Jhana factors;happiness and one-pointednedd.

5) The happiness of the fourth Jhana.(Associates with two Jhana factors;equanimity and one-pointedness.
(These four Jhanas are called Form-sphere Jhana(Rupa Jhana)

6) The happiness of the first formless jhana.(passing entirely beyond the perception form,with the disappearance of sense reaction,free from attention to perception of diversity,thinks:'Infinity is Space'-and lives abiding in the Realm if infinite Space.)

7) The happiness of the second formless Jhana.(.....'Infinite is Consciousness'-and lives abiding in the Realm of Infinite Consciousness.)

8) The happiness of the third formless Jhana.(...'There is nothing whatsoever'-and lives abiding in the Realm of Nothingness,)

9) The happiness of the fourth formless Jhana.(....lives abiding in the Realm of Neither perception Nor Non-perception.)

( These Jhanas are Formless Jhanas,Arupa Jhana)
"Whoso should declare:'This is the highest happiness and pleasure which beings my experience'- I do not grant him that,and why?
Because there is other happiness more exalted and sublime."

10) "Here a monk,utterly transcending the realm of Neither perception Nor Non-perception,lives,having attained to the Cessation of perception and sensation( Sannavedaniya niodha)This,Ananda,is the other happiness more exalted and sublime.

"How can that state be called highest happiness when there is no consciousness to experience it?'
"No,disciples,the Tathagata does not recognize bliss merely because of a pleasurable sensation,but disciples,whenever bliss is attained there and there Only does the Accomplished One recognize bliss."
"I proclaim that everything experienced by the senses is sorrow." But why?Because one in sorrow craves to be happy,and the so-called happy crave to be happier still.
The Buddha declare;"Nibbana paramam sukham,Nibbana is the highest bliss."
It is bliss supreme because it is not a kind of happiness experienced by the senses.It is a blissful state of positive relief from the ills of life.

Ref: Majjhima Nikaya,No.57.
        The Buddha and His Teaching.No 503-506.
        Essentials of Buddhism.No 60-65.

                                                                                                                                           U Cittara

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